Kelley Dennings (PMP, MPH, CPH, FPHW)

Publication Date: December 19, 2023

By: NWHN Staff

Kelley Dennings (PMP, MPH, CPH, FPHW)

Board of Directors

Kelley Dennings is a senior campaigner with the nonprofit Center for Biological Diversity where she develops and executes advocacy and outreach initiatives that address the connections between reproductive health, gender equity, endless growth and the climate and extinction crises. Her campaigns focus on solutions from voluntary family planning to alternative economies to address how the effects of patriarchy, capitalism, and other systems of oppression affect people and the environment. Prior to the Center, she worked in waste management and forest conservation. She holds a bachelor’s degree in natural resources from N.C. State and a master’s degree in public health from the University of South Florida. She is certified in public health and as a family planning health worker and is a member of the American Public Health Association, the National Family Planning and Reproductive Health Association, Nurses for Sexual and Reproductive Health and SisterSong. She is the founding president of the nonprofit Social Marketing Association of North America. She has been published in EcoWatchEnvironmental Health NewsJournal of Environmental HealthJournal of ExtensionJournal of Population and SustainabilityJournal of Social IssuesMs. MagazineNonprofit QuarterlyResource RecyclingRewireSocial Marketing QuarterlySustainability Times and The Hill.

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