Health Pro Tips for May 2024

The best science, stories, and strategies related to this month’s national health themes. Check back throughout the month for new additions.

Mother’s Day

This year, Mother’s Day is May 12 2024. Learn how to honor and support mothers everywhere below.  

  • How to Make Your Mother’s Day Gift Count Double This Year – The National Women’s Health Network has partnered with ShopRaise to take your everyday shopping expenses and use them to fight for women’s health equity.​ ShopRaise, which is very similar to the now defunct Amazon Smile, is an easy-to-use platform that allows you to donate to NWHN as you shop online.​ Easily downloadable as an app or web browser extension, ShopRaise works with your favorite online​ retailers to dedicate up to 10% of the price of your purchase to the National Women’s Health Network at no additional cost to you!​ You’ll have access to over 1,200 retailers including Petco, Ann Taylor, Michael’s, Lowe’s, and many more.​ Shop for mom and support us at the same time by clicking here. 
  • Learn About the History of Mother’s Day – Did you know Mother’s Day was started by a Civil War Era health care worker? Learn more about the history of Mother’s Day here.  
  • Organization Spotlight: March of Dimes Has Tons of Resources for Mothers – A pregnancy app. Mobile health clinics. Community natal checks. Learn what they have to offer here.  
  • Access the NWHN’s Maternal Health Resources – Mothers are struggling – and dying preventable deaths – in the U.S. Visit our maternal health hub to get the latest information on maternal health in the U.S.  

Older Americans Month

Older Americans Month is observed annually every May in the United States. It’s primarily observed to recognize the contributions of past and present older persons to the country, particularly those who defended the country.   

  • Action Alert!  Older Americans Month 2024 Theme Announced The 2024 theme is Powered by Connection, which recognizes the profound impact that meaningful relationships and social connections have on our health and well-being. Learn more at  
  • The State of Older American HealthHow are older Americans doing? Learn about common diseases affecting this population, life expectancy, and more over at the CDC’s website.  
  • How Social Factors Affect the Health of Older Americans Economic stability. Social supports. Health care access. These are just a few of the social determinants that affect the overall health of this population. Learn more at  
  • How to Reduce Loneliness in Older Adults – Check out this toolkit from the Suicide Prevention Resource Center. A study conducted in part by Harvard Medical School also talks about evidence-backed ways to build resistance to loneliness for this population.  
  • Stories About Seniors That Inspire and Encourage – In this article, younger relatives share stories about their older loved ones about their histories. These retirees are competing in elite sports events, helping people with new technology, and more.  
  • Organizational Spotlight: The Senior Source Empowers Seniors – From financial advice to retirement strategies to nursing home ins-and-outs, the Senior Source has you covered.

National Osteoporosis Awareness & Prevention Month

In the United States, about 1 in 10 people aged fifty years and older have osteoporosis. People with osteoporosis have weak bones, putting them at higher risk for fractures that can lead to serious health problems and death. Women are much more likely than men to have osteoporosis. Learn about risk reduction, treatment, and more for osteoporosis below.  

Further Reading - News and Recent Articles

Mental Health Awareness Month

According to Mental Health America, nearly 20% of adults are experiencing a mental illness. Equivalent to nearly 50 million Americans. 5% are experiencing a severe mental illness. Learn more below.  

  • Action Alert! Raise Mental Health Awareness With New Toolkit – Mental Health America’s 2024 Mental Health Month toolkit provides free resources to help plan your efforts and raise awareness during the month of May and beyond. It has DIY tools, social media assets, resources, templates, printable handouts, and more! Get it here.  
  • The State of Mental Health in America – Learn about the most common mental illnesses by state, barriers to treatment, mental health and health insurance, children’s mental health, and more in this 2024 stats roundup.  
  • 22 Ways to Cope with DepressionMany of these can be done today, right now, while you wait for a medical appointment or for a medication adjustment.  
  • How to Recognize and Manage AnxietyTips for managing immediate symptoms as well as long-term methods to combat recurring anxiety. 
  • Best Online Therapy Services of 2024 – And yes, some of these are even starting to be covered by insurance.   

Menstrual Hygiene Day

In 2014, Menstrual Hygiene Day started with just 155 partners and 89 pieces of media coverage. Since then, it has grown into a global movement for a #PeriodFriendlyWorld. Learn how to celebrate on May 28 and beyond, and get menstrual hygiene resources below 

  • Action Alert! Advocate for a Period Positive World with the Menstruation Bracelet – The Menstruation Bracelet is more than an accessory. It is a symbol for menstruation. And it is a statement. A statement that says: Periods are nothing to hide. They are totally normal, and we can talk about them openly. 
  • Period Poverty in the U.S. Nearly 1 in 4 students have struggled to afford period products in the United States. Nearly two thirds (64%) of low-income women were unable to afford needed menstrual hygiene supplies during the previous year.  Learn more at  
  • How to Get Free Period Products – Did you know there are organizations that provide free menstrual hygiene supplies to people in need? Learn more about these orgs and how to access free period products here.  
  • How to Use Tampons, Pads, Period Underwear, and Menstrual Cups – Many women use these products for too long or the wrong way, which can lead to complications like toxic shock syndrome. Check out this guide from Planned Parenthood on all your period product options and correct usage.   

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