The NWHN is Discouraged by the Supreme Court’s Decision in Idaho v. United States
By affirming EMTALA, pregnant patients in hospitals nationwide will have better access to necessary care in emergencies, including abortions.
By affirming EMTALA, pregnant patients in hospitals nationwide will have better access to necessary care in emergencies, including abortions.
Join us for our free virtual Healthy MOM webinar April 10 at 2:30 EST to learn how we can all work together to prevent post-partum maternal death.
The emotional experiences of a medication abortion and a spontaneously occurring miscarriage may be very different. There’s no right or wrong way to feel! But the physical process, risks, warning signs, potential complications, and treatments are the same.
Doulas provide emotional support and coaching to women and their families, most often during and after childbirth. Doulas supplement other health care providers involved in birth and pregnancy and, ultimately, act as birth advocates.
Anti-abortion zealots have sought to criminalize miscarriage and charge women for “endangering” their pregnancies. Here's what you need to know.
A new method for improving your chances of getting pregnant has been floating around parenting and TTC (trying to conceive) blogs recently: using a menstrual cup.
PCOS can cause your eggs to develop incorrectly or to not get released during ovulation. If eggs don’t get released, you can’t get pregnant.
The restrictions for Certified Midwives make the practice of midwifery inaccessible for many expecting parents. Some families who have used midwives have been charged with child abuse or neglect due to the regulations. And even if you live in a state where midwives practice legally, there could be insurance obstacles that block your access to these services.
Are there additional complications women should consider before conceiving in their mid-thirties?